Anders Berensson Architects in collaboration with Swedish housing company Sommarnöjen has designed the next generation of the company's housing series c/o. The work included designing two bigger models c/o 40 and c/o 50 plus overlooking and further improve the production, detailing and design process of the whole c/o series.
c/o 40
The customers of Sommarnöjen often own remote plots on the Swedish country side. To increase the accessibility where the house can be transported c/o 40 is deigned in two separate modules optimized in widths, length and heights for Swedish road conditions. The house is later assembled into one unit when lifted on site. One unit includes kitchen, bathrooms and bedrooms and one unit the living room with less installations that makes is easy to adapted to views and specific conditions of each site.
c/o 40 Tidlös |
c/o 40 Modern |
c/o Klassisk |
General floor plan |
c/o 50
The c/o 50 has the same layout and spatial configuration as c/o 40 but with one extra bedroom.
c/o 50 Tidlös |
c/o 50 modern |
c/o 50 Klassisk |
General floor plan |
Detailing, design process & automation
Apart from designing the two new models the bulk part of the work has been to go through every single detail, drawings and the whole production-line of all c/o models to improve every possible detail together with the team at Sommarnöjen . The work included visiting all factories in Latvia and Estonia producing c/o. Updating the software to automate the drawing process of each house, plus redistribute and change information flows between different computer programs and professions.